The Effects of Music with Memory - mapping/recollection Integration
Delve into the science:
What I mean by memory embedding and recollection with music is simply the integration of activities or events that we humans remember during an individual or regular experience with music stimulus. Ok, what did I just say? Cutting through the garble, music can bring us back to memories (i.e. imagery, moods, etc). Sometimes we're brought back to an era of time, a single moment or even forgotten memories; at least, we "thought" we forgot. That is the wonderful thing about music and it's subconscious effect on our minds in general.
You know how you're trying to think of the lyrics to a song, but sometimes can't quite remember them? Suddenly, while listening to the song, it comes back like second nature. That's what I mean about the mapping. I theorize that majority of memories aren't ever truly lost, but the connection needs stimuli to better access/recollect that memory. This is also done with other forms of stimulation outside of music.

"Think of our memory banks just like a memory stick and the mapping like a circuit board."
Sometimes a memory forgotten is simply a broken connection. Perhaps we have a set amount of storage space, variable, based on the individual and how we treat our bodies and mind throughout life. "Bridge the connection with another source". Music is a fantastic method for storing and accessing information.
An added way to look at it is perceive how a search engine works. We type in Music. Well, music is going to generally discover a lot of results. But what if we're trying to access a specific memory, (e.g. specific place or time) then we need to use more keywords to narrow the search. The more we add the more we can narrow the search.
"Specific and relative music applied to the mind is a great way to store and remember. Regardless whether we're aware that we're doing it"
Check out this playlist, Music and Mind for 4+hours of mindful music power
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