Wouldn't it be the dream to be on stage with thousands of screaming fans? Funny in a venue such as the one in the picture above, most of the lighting is to illuminate the band and the stage. The band members can't see past the first 10 rows or so of people because it's not important to light up the crowd as it is the band itself. So what drives that buzz to be on stage?
Most importantly, playing live is for the fans. The revenue in smaller venues doesn't generate as much as album sales; however, with the accessibility of music today a band's income could be the opposite and that band makes more live than their digital downloads. Also a great way to get exposure and sell merchandise.
How about the people that compose in the backgrounds, like me. I don't have a drive to play live. I've mentioned before the differences between studio recordings and live performances. Sometimes there's a look that sells or even worst, the idea of being big and playing at large venues is for the unholy trinity, "Sex, Drugs and Rock N' Roll".

"Now there's the look of a Rock star -- rock on!"
I've had the pleasure of knowing musicians that thrive on getting inebriated before going on stage. Some have been rather irresponsible and missed the whole point of writing music. I suppose anyone can write something, get on stage and rock out with excellent stage presence - just have fun. There are special ones out there: pissing on stage (accidentally), getting so drunk after the show they can't remember the show, sleeping with the other band mates on tour and the list continues...
Point is, I don't understand the reasons for latching on to what seems to be a standard. I seriously doubt majority of bands do this, but some do. Let's even advertise that lifestyle as an image or a painting with our next music video.
"Aren't you supposed to have long hair and tattoos everywhere?"
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